Lydia’s Operation

Hey everyone, as some of you may already know, Lydia fell ill last November. After several doctor consultations and a hospital admission in December, it was discovered that she needs to undergo gallbladder surgery. She spent almost a week in hospital and was sent home with the promise of a surgery date in January. However, after a couple of months and another visit to the hospital, she was informed that unless her condition became critical or she was potentially having liver damage, they wouldn’t be able to assist her.

Unfortunately, Lydia didn’t have medical insurance at the time she fell ill, and if she were to have joined she wouldn’t get coverage for 12 months. After consulting with a recent specialist, it was strongly advised that she needs to get the operation as soon as possible, as she is concerned about potential complications if she continues to wait. The procedure is estimated to cost a minimum of R75000.

Some family and friends have expressed an interest in assisting in raising the funds for the procedure. We have therefore set up this fundraiser to help Lydia receive the necessary treatment. Her op has been booked for 25 October. If you are interested in contributing in some way, please donate via the payfast link below. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.